I can't knit.
I tried knitting, and I really wanted to learn. My sweet hubby got me a kit with a book, needles, all these little things that I don't know what they are (they look like little plastic keyrings), and a counter doohickey that looks like a manual pedometer....and I really tried, y'all.
Knitting is hard. It make me cry and swear. It made my hands and shoulders hurt, and the stuff I made? Not pretty.
However, when I was a pre-teen kidlet, my Grandma taught me some crochet. I've never really learned how to crochet that well either, but I can do chain stitch, the afghan stitch, something I think might be single crochet, and if that one is single crochet, then the other one I think I know probably might be double crochet. Yike.
Bearing that in mind....look what I made! I found some cotton yarn down in my craft stuff, and decided that some homemade dishcloths were in order.
What do you think?

There was just exactly enough of the blue/blue variegated to do that dishcloth. I'm totally out of it (not even a strand left!). However, I have this big honkin' spool of the blue/cream variegated, so I suppose I'll get several dishcloths from that one. However, now that I'm crocheting (if that is indeed what it is that I'm doing), I was thinking how nice it would be to have a thick, soft, bigger towel-like creation to put dishes on to air-dry. So that is started, in the stitch that I believe to possibly be double crochet. The result is a little more open, and I'm thinking that will allow my stuff to air dry quite nicely. Pictures when(if) I get it done!
Knitting is hard. It make me cry and swear. It made my hands and shoulders hurt, and the stuff I made? Not pretty.
However, when I was a pre-teen kidlet, my Grandma taught me some crochet. I've never really learned how to crochet that well either, but I can do chain stitch, the afghan stitch, something I think might be single crochet, and if that one is single crochet, then the other one I think I know probably might be double crochet. Yike.
Bearing that in mind....look what I made! I found some cotton yarn down in my craft stuff, and decided that some homemade dishcloths were in order.
What do you think?

There was just exactly enough of the blue/blue variegated to do that dishcloth. I'm totally out of it (not even a strand left!). However, I have this big honkin' spool of the blue/cream variegated, so I suppose I'll get several dishcloths from that one. However, now that I'm crocheting (if that is indeed what it is that I'm doing), I was thinking how nice it would be to have a thick, soft, bigger towel-like creation to put dishes on to air-dry. So that is started, in the stitch that I believe to possibly be double crochet. The result is a little more open, and I'm thinking that will allow my stuff to air dry quite nicely. Pictures when(if) I get it done!
I've made dozens of dishclothes, some knit, some crochet.
They last like no other dishcloth that I've ever owned.
Good job!