O' The Weather Outside is Sneaky.

It has been sunny lately. Really, really sunny. Not exactly warm yet, but Hubby mentioned today that, "You'd think we are done with snow and winter with the weather we've had lately."

You fooled us the first year we moved here, Mother Nature. We planted our early greens and peas garden in March, and you froze it. We planted it again in April, and you froze it again! We learned our lesson that year, so we won't put any unprotected seedlings out until Memorial Day, or thereabouts.

In the mean time, though, we will enjoy these pretty days, the warm sunshine, and in just a day or two, I believe we'll start making this year's newspaper pots!


We're also talking about taking the chicken tractor (which is long ago finished and has a door on one end), covering it with heavy plastic and using it as a hoop style greenhouse. It's awfully heavy to move around anyway, and it would lengthen our growing season for early and late crops.

Sure, the weather is sneaky...but maybe we're a little bit sneaky too!

How's your weather? Are you planting yet in your neck of the woods?


I can't wait for gardening season! Here in Colorado I've got to wait to plant anything until the end of May, we're just too cold at night until then :( Enjoy your spring like weather!
Laura said…
Same here, Andrea! I'm just going to soak up this sunshine while it lasts!
Anonymous said…
I told my dh over the weekend that I thought winter was over. God had other plans and the groundhog didn't get the message. We got over 8 inches of snow Monday night and school was cancelled Tuesday. Glad you started blogging again. Cheryl

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