Shopping - Naughty, Naughty!!
I really love making those little cotton yarn dishcloths. It's fun, they come together quickly, and they work really well! I had this on hand...

Mom and I got these at a yard sale...

That is plenty of yarn, and would make plenty of dishcloths, don't you agree?
I agree too. I do not need any more cotton yarn. you know what Michael's went and did? They put the Peaches & Cream cotton yarn on sale for $1 each for those cute little skeins that make about 2 cloths apiece. I decided to splurge, but I limited myself to $5 - that's 5 skeins - more than enough! Yay for self control!!

Rut Roh.
On the reciept, the sales clerk pointed out that there was a coupon - part of the receipt! I told her very nicely to 'just hush', because I was already waaay over my limit!
So, what's your little luxury item these days? Leave a comment and let me know!

Mom and I got these at a yard sale...

That is plenty of yarn, and would make plenty of dishcloths, don't you agree?
I agree too. I do not need any more cotton yarn. you know what Michael's went and did? They put the Peaches & Cream cotton yarn on sale for $1 each for those cute little skeins that make about 2 cloths apiece. I decided to splurge, but I limited myself to $5 - that's 5 skeins - more than enough! Yay for self control!!

Rut Roh.
On the reciept, the sales clerk pointed out that there was a coupon - part of the receipt! I told her very nicely to 'just hush', because I was already waaay over my limit!
So, what's your little luxury item these days? Leave a comment and let me know!
Craft/art/sewing stashes are the debil, THE DEBIL I tellsya!
I like your 5 skeins of Peaches and Cream! Yup! Only 5! ROFL!
I love P&C yarns, they are great. Don't forget to post what you make with them! I wanna see!
(I knew Stacey would say what she said, btw, because she's the Knittin' Kitten!)