Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week
We are always looking for ways to stretch our dollars. Here are some that we came up with in the past 7 days.
Daughter made Hawaiian Sweet Bread for a school project. It made two loaves - one for us and one to take to church last Sunday. We used the pineapple juice from a can of pineapple that we opened, and we had the rest of the ingredients on hand. It cost far less to make it than it does to purchase it at the store.
We opened a can of fruit cocktail and finished a bottle of cherries this week. I used the drained syrups in fruit punch.
Sunday after church I went to King Sooper since I was already almost all the way there. I picked up two free 2-liters of Pepsi Next and a free bag of milk chocolate chips - all from various promotions they had sent to me. Afterward, I stopped at Goodwill and got a pair of jeans for Daughter for 2.99. She was due for some new ones. I also got a purse for myself that looks brand new - also 2.99. My current purse has been in constant use for about 5 years, so I was due for a change too. My old purse was black, and my new one But the lining is different, so that's something, right?
I used $10 worth of coupons this past week and spent $19.78 cash, so the coupons really helped us get more for our money. The sale changes here on Wednesday morning. Bananas were .39 a pound, so I picked up some really green ones on Tuesday afternoon for the following week. I price matched at walmart, saving both time and fuel that I would have used going to several different stores.
We learned that a nearby swimming pool offers swim lessons for homeschoolers - $25 for 8 sessions. That is a very, very good deal around here, so we signed Daughter up. I also learned that while she is in her lesson, I'm permitted to swim for free, and I'm thrilled about that too! On Fridays, it's homeschooler open swim from 1-3, for $2 per person (moms included). This is far, far more affordable than anywhere else I've tried to get in.
I received 3 bags of yarn from a lady for the prayer shawl ministry that's beginning at our church. I feel so blessed by such generous people - angels here on earth, I think.
I made garlic cheese biscuits and a cherry peach dump cake from scratch (and a cake mix that I got for free a while ago) - the cherries and peaches are some I froze from our trees. We did go out for one meal, to The Chinese Restaurant, but we went at lunch time instead of supper. This was a treat from family, and we enjoyed it very much.
A friend made flan for us, which meant free, delicious dessert.
When the shampoo bottle was near empty, I rinsed it repeatedly and poured the suds into a load of laundry. I took the almost-gone conditioner, added a little water, and combined it with the fabric softener to stretch it a bit. We generally use homemade laundry soap and softener, so this was just to use the last bits while I was rinsing containers for recycling.
Husband was not feeling well one night, and he was cold, even though the house was warm. I grabbed a spare blanket, put it in the dryer for a few minutes, then wrapped him in it and put all the other covers on top to keep him 'insulated'. This is a great trick for when someone feels chilled - warm the person instead of the whole house.
I figured out that if I check out Large Print editions of books from the library, they will be easier for me to read while I walk on the treadmill. I'm going to try it as soon as I can get one borrowed.
We made homemade Valentines. I shopped in the pantry and got out a can of Pringles and some chocolate pieces for Husband - and we all shared them. I made Daughter's valentine from two candy canes (from Christmas), glued in a heart shape. She LOVES candy canes, so this made her really happy! She also received a small dragon figurine (she loves dragons as much as candy canes), bought at goodwill.
We did our usual things too - heat with wood to keep the furnace quiet most of the time, hang clothes on racks in the basement to dry, combine errands when it's feasible, dress warm in cold weather, etc. What are your frugal accomplishments from this past week?

Daughter made Hawaiian Sweet Bread for a school project. It made two loaves - one for us and one to take to church last Sunday. We used the pineapple juice from a can of pineapple that we opened, and we had the rest of the ingredients on hand. It cost far less to make it than it does to purchase it at the store.
We opened a can of fruit cocktail and finished a bottle of cherries this week. I used the drained syrups in fruit punch.
Sunday after church I went to King Sooper since I was already almost all the way there. I picked up two free 2-liters of Pepsi Next and a free bag of milk chocolate chips - all from various promotions they had sent to me. Afterward, I stopped at Goodwill and got a pair of jeans for Daughter for 2.99. She was due for some new ones. I also got a purse for myself that looks brand new - also 2.99. My current purse has been in constant use for about 5 years, so I was due for a change too. My old purse was black, and my new one But the lining is different, so that's something, right?
Purse I've been carrying lately, to promote my chicken programs (on loan from a friend).
I used $10 worth of coupons this past week and spent $19.78 cash, so the coupons really helped us get more for our money. The sale changes here on Wednesday morning. Bananas were .39 a pound, so I picked up some really green ones on Tuesday afternoon for the following week. I price matched at walmart, saving both time and fuel that I would have used going to several different stores.
We learned that a nearby swimming pool offers swim lessons for homeschoolers - $25 for 8 sessions. That is a very, very good deal around here, so we signed Daughter up. I also learned that while she is in her lesson, I'm permitted to swim for free, and I'm thrilled about that too! On Fridays, it's homeschooler open swim from 1-3, for $2 per person (moms included). This is far, far more affordable than anywhere else I've tried to get in.
I received 3 bags of yarn from a lady for the prayer shawl ministry that's beginning at our church. I feel so blessed by such generous people - angels here on earth, I think.
I made garlic cheese biscuits and a cherry peach dump cake from scratch (and a cake mix that I got for free a while ago) - the cherries and peaches are some I froze from our trees. We did go out for one meal, to The Chinese Restaurant, but we went at lunch time instead of supper. This was a treat from family, and we enjoyed it very much.
A friend made flan for us, which meant free, delicious dessert.
When the shampoo bottle was near empty, I rinsed it repeatedly and poured the suds into a load of laundry. I took the almost-gone conditioner, added a little water, and combined it with the fabric softener to stretch it a bit. We generally use homemade laundry soap and softener, so this was just to use the last bits while I was rinsing containers for recycling.
Husband was not feeling well one night, and he was cold, even though the house was warm. I grabbed a spare blanket, put it in the dryer for a few minutes, then wrapped him in it and put all the other covers on top to keep him 'insulated'. This is a great trick for when someone feels chilled - warm the person instead of the whole house.
I figured out that if I check out Large Print editions of books from the library, they will be easier for me to read while I walk on the treadmill. I'm going to try it as soon as I can get one borrowed.
We made homemade Valentines. I shopped in the pantry and got out a can of Pringles and some chocolate pieces for Husband - and we all shared them. I made Daughter's valentine from two candy canes (from Christmas), glued in a heart shape. She LOVES candy canes, so this made her really happy! She also received a small dragon figurine (she loves dragons as much as candy canes), bought at goodwill.
We did our usual things too - heat with wood to keep the furnace quiet most of the time, hang clothes on racks in the basement to dry, combine errands when it's feasible, dress warm in cold weather, etc. What are your frugal accomplishments from this past week?

I brought my lunch from home each day. I also started drinking hot tea at work. I bring the teabags from home and the hot water is free! Can't beat that for a warm beverage!
I had to fill the car up with gas but I waited until last evening when I knew I could get 30 cents lower at a gas station in Virginia on my way to my mountain home.
Last night I wanted to stop at the grocery store to pick up a few items. It was rather late when I got to the store, so the valentine's upcakes were reduced. That was my treat for myself. That was after I went to 2 other stores to get myself some chocolate but walked out because it was so expensive!
By the way, I would love to donate some yarn to your prayer shawl project! Just email me your address if you want some.
- ate leftovers when I really didn't want to
And them froze the rest for later
- bought meat bogo and from the discount section
- saved all errands until I was on that side of town
- had to get pictures printed at Walgreens a d asked the manage if they could print them right then so I didn't have to drive back, he said yes!
- bought my sons valentines for his class at the dollar store and they were marvel brand
- mended my son's favorite outfit
- used fuel perks to fill up my gas tank
I think that's it?? Thanks, love your blog!
As for the dump cake, there are recipes all over the web for them. You just take two types of fruit (usually crushed pineapple and cherry pie filling) and put them in the bottom of a cake pan. Then you sprinkle a yellow or white cake mix over the top and drizzle with some butter and nuts. The topping bakes into a strusel-type crunchy topping over the fruit. Hope that helps! :)