Bountiful Baskets - Second Time Around

This past Saturday, MaryBeth and I split an order from Bountiful Baskets.  We also shared (three of us) in a box of apples as well.  I came home and promptly put everything in the fridge...then thought that I should have taken a picture.  Oops.

I spent $16 total.  There was some trading that Leia and I did over the apples we shared in, but without over-doing the details here is what I got for $16:
9.5 lb. pink lady apples (approx)
6 additional apples, I think roma ones?
1 pineapple
1 Asian pear
2 large tomatoes
2 sm. bunches celery
1 lg. bunch broccoli
1 bundle asparagus
half a head of leaf lettuce
3 red peppers (might be pimento)
2 onions
1 avocado
a bit of cilantro (I can never use an entire bunch in time, so Leia pulled some out for me from one of her bundles)

There were also potatoes in the baskets, but I was already bringing potatoes to MaryBeth because we have so many in our root cellar, so she kept those.  I already had part of a celery bunch on hand, so ants on a log will be a common lunch around here for a little while.  I'll be looking for other ways to use celery too.  We like it in salads, with dip, I'm sure we'll manage just fine.  Everything looks pretty good, and I think I'm liking the challenge of using things we don't often buy.  The variety reminds me to branch out a bit and try new things. 

In addition to all the above, I have some romaine lettuce, a head of cauliflower, some red seedless grapes, a tangerine, 5 tangelos from last time I ordered and a roma tomato.  The crisper drawers are full (and the pineapple is on the counter).  We also have potatoes, carrots, onions, beets and turnips in the root cellar.  All for two adults and one six-year-old. 

-Laura at TenThingsFarm


Carolyn said…
Wow, that sounds like a great bounty for only $16! At our grocery store, $16 would have only put 9 pounds of apples in my cart!!
Laura said…
Well, we can generally get some kind of apples for .99 a pound here, but the nice thing with Bountiful Baskets for me is that it's all in one place, without me running store to store or price matching to get all the deals. Also, I've been tickled pink to get some things I really like that no one else likes, so I don't often purchase them. I don't usually buy spinach or asparagus (but I do grow both of them come spring), so it's been a real treat to get some. :)
alisonwonderland said…
I really love Bountiful Baskets. We're definitely eating more fruits and veggies than we used to eat!
Lynda said…
I have to second Carolyn's "Wow", cause I can't imagine getting that much stuff for $16!!
Laura said…
Thank you for your replies! Alison, I have to agree...sometimes I feel like a fruit 'dealer', because if anyone mentions wanting something, I start rattling off all the fruit choices, lol. Lynda, it is a good price structure. You can also pay a little extra for organic. We have a lot of supermarkets here, so there is a lot of competition (and great prices), but I have heard from many people that the prices are a big deal where they live.

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