Out of the blue.

Perhaps all the robitussin I've been taking with this sinus infection revived (or killed) a brain cell.

Last night when I was doing dishes, I suddenly remembered a song I hadn't thought about since I was...what...nine? Hubby did a quick search and found exactly what I remembered. When I was a kid, I loved this.

You know what? I still do.

Bless your heart, here's a peek inside my weird little mind.

Apologies to those of you who end up singing that the rest of the day.


The Prairie Homemaker said…
I should find reruns of that show.
Have an awesome day cat my dear!

Aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-ggggg-hhhhhh! *runs through house with hands over ears screaming "Make it stop!"*

I am a fine musician, that what the people say...

*please, please, make it stop!*
Laura said…
But...Farmer J....you have four people in your family - you could PERFORM this! How cool would that be?

Seriously - wouldn't this be a fun skit sort of thing for kids in a homeschool group?

Mel, I was thinking the same thing. I always loved that show too!
Anonymous said…
ROFL, I remember this song from the Barney and Friends videos my kids used to watch. I'll make sure to listen to my Zune today. That should purge it. LOL
Anonymous said…
I accept your apology and yes that song is now running through my head,lol!!!!
You can view all the Dick Van Dyke episodes on-line at hulu.com
Enjoy! That show is one of my favorites.
Love and God bless,

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