Resolutions? Thank You, but No!!

I've written resolutions in the past...many times.

A few years ago I started calling them goals...and had a similar result.

I'm beginning to think I'm just not much for change, but I still have some hope, so at the encouragement of a dear friend, I decided to do the word thing.

Have you seen this?  A person - me, in this example - chooses a word that will be her theme or touchstone for the year. 

First I had about a dozen words and I was sure they were all going to need to be on the list.  It's supposed to be a single word, but often there are ancillary words too.  I was getting ahead of myself, and the whole thing was starting to sound about as productive as resolutions.  So, I forgot about it for a few days, and by leaving it alone, I figured out that the word I want to explore this year is...


It's a big word, with a lot of possibilities, and I have specifics that I hope to explore.  I'm eager to see where it takes me in the coming year.

What about you?  Do you make resolutions?  Set goals?  Do you have a word?  I'd love to read about it, so leave me a comment, won't you please?

-Laura at TenThingsFarm


momma-lana said…
No resolutions here or list of goals either. My word would be kindness. I am really wanting it to be what this year is about because it seems to be so lacking in our world even here in the south where we are supposedly so polite. It has so many possibilities because when I am being kind I have to think about someone besides myself and that is a good thing.
Sheila said…
Momma-lana, I was just thinking about kindness yesterday and wishing I had a t-shirt that said something about being kind! I don't make resolutions or even set goals. I do try to think about what things I would like to do differently or how I could improve. Top areas for me are staying on my budget more, being more intentional with my family (although I have come to almost hate that word for its overuse), and what may seem opposed to the first item, but to not worry so much about money and LIVE. Not to go crazy, but to let go of the idea that I'm ever going to be able to quit working (before retirement), and to enjoy some things we are able to have now. Really the only thing I plan to 'allow' to be purchased to that end is a bicycle (possibly two - long story) for my husband. He has one, and a very nice one, but he loves mountain bike riding, and he has some physical stuff that is going to make most other things not doable for him in the near future. His dad died at 63 of cancer. My husband has already survived a bout with cancer and is battling fairly severe arthritis for his age (hip replacement coming up), and who knows what his health is going to be like? Buying another bicycle (or even two, one is much less expensive and has a special purpose) will delay a debt payoff for probably 6 months, but will bring him a lot of enjoyment. We have a lot of money in retirement savings already, and are continuing to save. We will also still be aggressive in our debt payoff, just not quite so aggressive. Anyway, way too long a comment and too much info, but these are the things I have been thinking about as we begin a new year.
Cathy said…
I have done resolutions and goals so many times in my life and none have ever made a difference.

This year I am focusing on paths to explore. That's what I'm calling them. Paths. This way I can explore ideas and concepts without making anything concrete. For example, I want to explore wild herbs. So instead of making a goal to take classes about herbs, I am going to explore them via library books, online information, and possibly a local herb walk that is offered in the Spring.

So instead of putting a traditional label on these things I am calling them "paths to explore". It sounds more like success then failure to me. So perhaps this will work better and allow me to grow more.

Maybe if I had to choose a word it would be PATH. Can your word be a noun? I guess it can be anything we want it to be, right?
Laura said…
We can always use more kindness - individually or collectively. It's a good thing to 'connect' with. (wink!)

Sheila, I think I understand what you mean. Ridding oneself of debt is a noble cause, but it's not the be-all and end-all of our lives. The present moment is what we have, and if we sacrifice those into misery for the sake of being frugal, it doesn't make sense - at least not to me. Let us know how we can support you, OK?

Cathy, I think anything goes. We humans mark time - hours, days, months, years, etc. - but it really is all gradual. Who knows where your path might lead? I think you're wise to explore your interests in this way, and I say that as a person who always seems to want to start with finished product, rather than realizing there is a gradual process that gets us to that end part. :)
Anonymous said…
Yes, actually! I did an exercise similar to this for making up blogging goals and mine is "focus" because it seems like focusing is something that is really hard for me to do. I tend to spin my wheels in dumb places, so I'm hoping this will work out. :Da
Sheila said…
Laura, thank you for your sweet support. I was actually influenced by watching Scrooge before Christmas, and just came to feel that I was putting my desire for something financial over my husband's happiness. He works very hard, spends very little on himself, and really doesn't ask for much beyond the biking stuff. I think we can do the bicycle stuff and meet a big payoff goal I have as well, but I need to remember people are more important than money.

Unrelated, but have you seen the Beth Moore kindle books free on Amazon right now? There are 15 of them. You don't have to have a kindle. There are apps for both PC and mobile devices (also free) if you haven't seen this before. I don't even know if you like her, but I have done a couple of her studies and just love her. I understand the books are free until the 10th, but always check the price before clicking to buy it. I have been so excited over this. :)
momma-lana said…
Sheila, I agree with you 100%. We have been pushing to pay off our house but it has become tiresome and made me too much a miser. I mentioned to my husband that we could go to a bluegrass concert in our area Valentine's weekend. We have gotten so focused on paying off the house that we had immediately dismissed paying for the tickets. You are making me rethink some things. My husband is like yours and never asks for anything for himself but he really loves a good bluegrass concert. Thanks for your insight!

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