Another Frugal Week

Of all the things there are to can, green beans are my favorite!

We have been working our new routines and chore lists this week.  In part, this was to adjust back to having one child here instead of two.  It was also in preparation for our school year, which started on Thursday.  Here are some ways we saved money and enjoyed life:

I made bread crumbs from the heels from a couple loaves of bread. 

We watched an awe-inspiring rainstorm.

Daughter and I are fighting a cold.  Our primary weapons are lots of water,  lots of tea and a little off-brand cold medicine at night (to help with sleeping). 

I picked zucchini, green beans, dug new potatoes, and harvested various herbs from the garden.  I canned my first 8 pints of green beans this week too!  Husband brought in the first few ripe peaches from the tree, so I'll be freezing and drying peaches soon.

We didn't plant potatoes this year - these are volunteers that sprouted from ones we missed last year.
I re-arranged some furniture to make Daughter's room more spacious.  She had a full size bed, but now she has a twin.  It's a trundle, sort of.  The bedframe (which I got a couple weeks ago, used, for $10, though it looks brand new) is structured in such a way that I can slide a second twin mattress (which I got free) in and out beneath it.  This keeps Daughter from sticking junk under her bed and gives us some additional sleep space if we need it. 

Shhh...she's reading....about Lego Star usual...

We read library books and watched DVD's from the library.

I planned a menu, which helped me remember to use what we have on hand. 

I bought some cubed pork and some ground pork on markdown, and put them directly into the freezer. 

In the interest of research, I had to try the frozen hot chocolate recipe that Momma Lana suggested.  We used chocolate chips from the pantry (Nestle' semi sweet minis, bought on sale and with a coupon back at Easter), a little hot cocoa mix from a packet I received last Christmas, a little sugar, a cup and a half of milk and ice.  It was really good, and the recipe makes 4 cups, so it's enough for 2-3 people.  So even though the recipe says 'the best chocolate you can find', rest assured that if that's some chocolate chips or something, you're still going to be just fine. :)  Thank you, Momma Lana! 

On town day, Daughter and I stopped at Panera - I had two free pastries on my card, so that was our mother-daughter brunch. :)  We combined that with our town errands for the week.

I made deviled eggs, beef broccoli, cake noodles, enchiladas, carrot and celery sticks, Szechuan green beans, hamburgers, cole slaw, corn bread, parslied new potatoes, zucchini, panfried trout and nachos this week.  We also ate salads, lots of fresh watermelon and other fresh fruits and veggies. 

This week's catch. 
I love that they have a cleaning station at the lake - it's so nice to get most of it taken care of there! 
(Then we put them on ice.)

I gathered up excess stuff to list/sell on craigslist.  Now, who needs a rice cooker or an American Girl Doll?  Or both?   UPDATE - Josefina has found a new home.  :)

Josefina, in one of the adorable dresses that Grandma made for her.

I purchased a small appliance that works as a griddle, sandwich maker, Panini maker and grill.  It's the type where the plates are interchangeable, plus you can take them off to wash them (yay!)  The lady I got it from had used it once...and it's something we've been wanting to try for a long time.  It was $15, and I used summer sales fund money to pay for part of it.  As soon as I sell a few more items, I will repay the house fund.  At last, I can make more than one pancake at a time!  And since this will replace our wee, tiny Foreman grill, I can make more than one hamburger, too!

We opened windows at night to cool the house.

We got our teeth cleaned.  We have dental insurance, and if we're going to pay for it, we need to actually use those 'free' cleanings.

I hung our laundry on drying racks in the basement, except for sheets and quilts, which I hung on the clotheslines.

We went fishing Saturday and caught three pan trout.  We had them for Sunday dinner with homegrown vegetables and homemade corn bread.  :)

Two Rainbow and a Lake Trout...we think.

I went to Happy Needles, to catch up with friends and try to figure out how to read a crochet pattern for a button flower I really, really want to make.  I think I've figured it out!

What did you do to save money this week?  I'd love to hear about it and learn something new, so leave me a comment, okey-dokey?  Have a great week!

-Laura at TenThingsFarm


Dagmar said…
busy busy
makes me tired just reading about it.
but you did great
robin oakley halliday said…
LOVE reading your blog Laura!
Cathy said…
First of all, I love the picture of you holding the fish. You look so happy and beautiful, as always.

Your volunteer potatoes look awesome! I planted some this year but the deer ate them all. However, yesterday I pulled all of my onion. I have a ton of onion now! My carrots were also eaten up. So all I got this year is onion. It just makes me want to put up my fence even more now. I have the supplies and now just need the time to do it.

This past weekend my father came to visit and we went to a farmers market and to the local fair. We didn't do much at the fair but have dinner. Dad had a bout of low glucose so we had to immediately eat. They had a dinner for $8 so I got him seated and got him dinner. It was okay but normally I would not have eaten there.

I'm going to have to start keeping track of my frugal activities. I can't even remember them anymore!
momma-lana said…
I'm glad to hear about the Frozen Hot Chocolate recipe! I have pinned it! Thanks for being our taste tester!

We really did not have a frugal week by most people's standards as we spent a few days away at the lake house we own in partnership with 11 other families. We ate out for many meals and slept late and napped. I don't feel that it is not being frugal as long as we stay within the budget for such weeks and we did. We used a lot of coupons and got two meals free plus 2 free coffees and other deals.

I have been wanting to built a bar into our kitchen bay window for the grandchildren to sit up to for play and meals. I have collected all the chairs from thrift stores over the last year and although they are mismatched they look fine all painted the same color. Last week we found a solid oak dining room table with only two of its' legs at a thrift store for only $5. We will be cutting a 15 inch piece off the side and using the legs to build the bar. It will take a bit of hardware and some paint but this will be a very inexpensive way to do this. I am so excited to get it done!

I also bought a dining table arm chair that is solid wood for $5. I will paint and reupholster that for one of our guest rooms.

We shopped at a fabric outlet for fabric for the seat of the above mentioned chair and also found a fabric to slipcover our dining room chair cushions which are really looking ratty. All of the fabric was 2.98 a yard! What an awesome price for decorator fabric!

Your green beans look so good! I bought my first pressure canner this year and was all set to go but the produce is just not available because of the incredible amount of rain we have had. The entire family gave me canning jars for my birthday back in May and they are stacked in my garage waiting for next year I guess. I have been picking up inexpensive jars at thrift stores as I see them.

The trundle bed under to keep the junk at bay is a great idea! We inherited some under bed drawers when our kids were still at home and they just got stuffed and then spilled over the top so they would not close.

I bet those fish were delicious!

Have a good week!
Robert said…
How much for the American Girl Doll?
Laura said…
Dagmar, you are so sweet. I want to learn how you make those beautiful cards that you post on facebook...they are just lovely! :)

Robin, you just come read any time...or come for a visit! (it's your turn, hee hee!)

Cathy, you're so kind to me. The deer are eating the tops of our potatoes too. Frankly, the deer are eating whatever they can get their lips on, which is why I'm really glad I planted most everything where they couldn't reach. That will be the way of the garden from here out, I believe.

I'm glad your dad was ok - it's so cool that you got to go to the fair together!

Momma-Lana, you let me know if you come across any more recipes that are that easy, that tasty, and that affordable. It really was I just spend my time trying not to think too much about making more, hee hee. I love the idea for the kitchen window. I can see it in my mind's eye, and I think it must be just adorable. We have an eat-in kitchen with a bay window, so that helped me visualize. You sound very busy with fun projects! :)

Robert, thanks for your note, but it appears that I have a new home for Josefina already. Now, about that rice cooker..... (hee hee)
The Moxley Family said…
This is my link

Your green beans look yummy!
The Prudent Homemaker said…
What beautiful trout! I love trout! How wonderful for you!
Laura said…
Thanks, Moxley Family, and Brandy too! :) We really like trout, and it's nice when one of our hobbies feeds us, hee hee.

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