$20 Menu Plan

Currently, we are spending just $20 a week on groceries, and planning meals so that we use up some of our stockpile in the pantry and freezer.

The produce sales were pretty dismal this week, so I stuck with items that are generally low-cost, like carrots.  Actually, bananas were .39 a pound, and will be through Tuesday, so we bought some (and will probably pick up a few more at the end of the sale).  We splurged for some fresh broccoli and we do have a lot of frozen fruit on hand.  Also, we have fresh celery, lettuce, cabbage, cilantro, oranges, apples, onions and potatoes that are left from previous weeks' purchases, so I know we'll be fine.  We are stocked on milk and we took advantage of sales on saltines and ice cream too.  We still have $3 left to spend on this week if something comes up (or if there is a really good sale).  Here is the menu plan:

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Breakfasts (some will repeat)
protein drink/smoothies (for me, some days)
peanut butter toast, fruit smoothie
cereal, bananas, milk
scrambled eggs, toast, oranges
yogurt with granola and frozen fruit

leftovers when available
big salad with greens, cheese, nuts and fruit
bean burritos, carrots and celery sticks, fresh fruit salad
ants on a log (celery, peanut butter and raisins), bananas

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popcorn with furkikake(we didn't have it last week)
yogurt with granola
cheese and crackers
apples and peanut butter

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Suppers (in no particular order)

Chinese Restaurant.  We are going to the Chinese Restaurant!  Truth be told, we go toward the end of the lunch special window, and it counts as lunch and supper - lupper, hee hee. 

crunchy tacos, refried beans, green salad
chicken cesar salad, breadsticks, peach crisp
pulled chicken barbecue, slaw, tater tots
English muffin pizzas, Waldorf salad
potato corn chowder, breadsticks
spiral ham, macaroni and cheese, steamed broccoli

Grocery list:  none - I shopped the sales before I made the menu, so everything we need for this menu is now on hand.  We also have a full gallon of milk, plenty of cheese, etc. etc. 

I truly love having a stocked pantry so that we can have this much variety without spending a lot.  What are you having at your home this week?

Shared at www.orgjunkie.com


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