Gearing up to Garden

Many of you have a gardening season that starts much earlier than ours. For that reason, I'm going to re-visit some posts from the past about starting seedlings, preparing the soil and more. I hope you find them to be useful!

Make Your Own Starter Pots!
Originally published March 12, 2009

Gardening is a great way to save long as you don't buy every gadjet and gimmick on the market for gardeners! Some tools are really neat, and some are completely unnecessary. We have been making our own virtually free seed starter pots for a few years now. They are easy to make. You can even plant them right in the garden when your seedlings are ready!

You will need newspaper, a soup can, and a stapler.

One single sheet of newspaper (one single page) works fine, or you can do a double sheet if you like. I prefer the single sheet because it's not as stiff. The first thing you do is fold the sheet in thirds (the long way). I always look for newspaper pages that don't have color ink. If there is color ink, I make it so it's away from the soil and roots - on the inside of all the folds. Fold once...

Then again.

Next, roll the long strip of newspaper around the soup can, like this.


Push the soup can up so that you can make a bottom on your paper pot. Usually, about the time you can see the name of the soup, you're at the right place.

Flip it over and fold down the 'flaps'. You make the flaps as you go...and they won't stay down. Not to worry, we'll fix that in a moment.


Slip the can out of the paper pot. At this point I staple the end of the paper on the side of the pot near the top. Then, gently push on the flaps on the bottom, until they are a bit inverted.

There you go! A paper pot!


Jane said…
i bought my seed starters this year. Next year I will be using your post to make them. I will save to favorites. Thanks for sharing this, I am going to follow your blog, you are welcome to follow mine as well. Blessings jane
Laura said…
Thank you for your kind words, Jane! Off to visit you at your blog. (I still need to figure out the whole following thing!)
jenmc said…
thanks for this great idea!! This is my first year attempting a size able garden so these little newspaper pots will b great for my broccoli and asparagus starts!! I'll be blogging about this plus my adventures in gardening this year!! i'll make sure I provide a link to your pge!
Laura said…
Thanks, Jenmomof4! I'm going to pop over and give you a link to the followup posting, because I did learn a couple of tips that help - but seriously, the soup can works great!

Thanks for the link!

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