Duck Report!
I'd better get y'all caught up!
First, Duck Diapers.
I gave it some thought, looked at the ones people sell (which are all for grownup ducks) and then I gave it a go.
First, a delightful little crocheted cover. It has short ties to go over the top of the tail and longer ties to go along the underside of the duckie, around the wings and then on the back of the cute, fuzzy little neck.

Look, I even came up with a (half a maxi-pad) cute, affordable, adhesive diaper insert! I am brilliant.

When I approached Daffodil and Oreo with my little invention, they made it clear in .005 seconds that there was NO way on God's green earth that they were going to wear, much less poop in, my little contraption. For one, their webby little feet were getting snagged in the loops of the crochet. For another, I never actually got it 'on' either duck. And while the "Sassy Spring Diaper Cover" never got pooped in, I certainly got pooped on.
OK, back to planning. It needs to be narrower through the center so it doesn't catch the claws on their feet. Also, maybe a little tail 'cap'? Then it should stay more snug, yes?
You know - like this:

This time, Daffodil and Oreo saw me coming. While I was creating a new diaper, they were practicing evasive maneuvers. And aim. Once again, I was the recipient of poop, and the diaper remained clean and never-worn.
Ducks 2, Laura 0.
Third time's a charm, right? I like to call this one "The Fleece Squid"

They like to call it "Not a Snowball's Chance in You-Know-Where". I had planned to crisscross the long pieces across the chest, over the shoulders, crisscross again and slip them through the little openings to tie them. The question is, me and what army? Epic fail.
So in conclusion, ducklings do not wear diapers. Ever.
The end.
But wait, there's more!
Do you remember that we had ordered some Cayuga ducklings? Well, they didn't come in. Luckily (?) the ranch store had some Rouen ducklings. Yeah, you guessed it...

They are teency compared to the Anconas, so we've done a bit of moving around. Daffodil and Oreo are in a large 'tote' and the babies are in the tub. Also, Daffodil and Oreo are having little excursions now!

We have raised meat chickens before, and each time I've tried to show them any food besides the stuff from the feed store, they have turned it down. I was worried that the ducklings would be the same way, but they love to be out foraging. (yay!) They also like shredded lettuce and Little Bit's hair, hee hee.
So, that is the ducky update. Oh, and if you are (crazy like me and you are) raising ducks in your house, one thing we learned is that they love love love it if you put the food in some shallow water. They will vacuum it right up, the little Hoovers!

Also, remember those nests that we make for Little Bit, using blankets?

We wash a lot of old towels these days, but everyone seems happy, healthy and strong.
Quack quack,
-Laura at TenThingsFarm
First, Duck Diapers.
I gave it some thought, looked at the ones people sell (which are all for grownup ducks) and then I gave it a go.
First, a delightful little crocheted cover. It has short ties to go over the top of the tail and longer ties to go along the underside of the duckie, around the wings and then on the back of the cute, fuzzy little neck.

Look, I even came up with a (half a maxi-pad) cute, affordable, adhesive diaper insert! I am brilliant.

When I approached Daffodil and Oreo with my little invention, they made it clear in .005 seconds that there was NO way on God's green earth that they were going to wear, much less poop in, my little contraption. For one, their webby little feet were getting snagged in the loops of the crochet. For another, I never actually got it 'on' either duck. And while the "Sassy Spring Diaper Cover" never got pooped in, I certainly got pooped on.
OK, back to planning. It needs to be narrower through the center so it doesn't catch the claws on their feet. Also, maybe a little tail 'cap'? Then it should stay more snug, yes?
You know - like this:

This time, Daffodil and Oreo saw me coming. While I was creating a new diaper, they were practicing evasive maneuvers. And aim. Once again, I was the recipient of poop, and the diaper remained clean and never-worn.
Ducks 2, Laura 0.
Third time's a charm, right? I like to call this one "The Fleece Squid"

They like to call it "Not a Snowball's Chance in You-Know-Where". I had planned to crisscross the long pieces across the chest, over the shoulders, crisscross again and slip them through the little openings to tie them. The question is, me and what army? Epic fail.
So in conclusion, ducklings do not wear diapers. Ever.
The end.
But wait, there's more!
Do you remember that we had ordered some Cayuga ducklings? Well, they didn't come in. Luckily (?) the ranch store had some Rouen ducklings. Yeah, you guessed it...

They are teency compared to the Anconas, so we've done a bit of moving around. Daffodil and Oreo are in a large 'tote' and the babies are in the tub. Also, Daffodil and Oreo are having little excursions now!

We have raised meat chickens before, and each time I've tried to show them any food besides the stuff from the feed store, they have turned it down. I was worried that the ducklings would be the same way, but they love to be out foraging. (yay!) They also like shredded lettuce and Little Bit's hair, hee hee.
So, that is the ducky update. Oh, and if you are (crazy like me and you are) raising ducks in your house, one thing we learned is that they love love love it if you put the food in some shallow water. They will vacuum it right up, the little Hoovers!

Also, remember those nests that we make for Little Bit, using blankets?

We wash a lot of old towels these days, but everyone seems happy, healthy and strong.
Quack quack,
-Laura at TenThingsFarm
I'm fascinated by all this duckiness! :)
It seems like putting diapers on ducks is a little bit like putting a cat in a bag to give it medicine -- it CAN'T be done!!!! I wondered about that, so now we know.
They certainly seem to be growing fast. The little ones are cute. They may be smaller, but they have the yellow ones outnumbered. As they get bigger, they will probably work it out.
Hope the experiment works out. Little Bit is learning that poop is just part of the game, isn't she?
Good Luck!
Love to all,
Granny Ladybug
So, why the diapers? Because I told Little Bit that if she spent a lot of time with the ducklings, they might imprint on her (bond with her to the point that she is 'mommy') and they would follow her around. When I said that, I was thinking 'outside', but she is thinking asap (of course!). So she wants to let the ducks loose in the house so they can follow her and be her ducklings. Ducks do not have a muscle that allows them to 'hold it', so when the poop is ready, it is, well, pooped. You can't really house train a duck.
So, that is why we gave it a go. I don't want to invest in actual duck diapers because they seem to be for grown ducks, and this is a very temporary situation. And, meanwhile, Little Bit has declared them 'stinky', so they are more attached to me (the cleaner of pens and feeder of food, as well as the one who makes 'swim time'). She is enjoying them some - I am having a blast! And I know that once they are out in their enclosure where the fresh air helps a lot, everyone, including Little Bit, will be very happy.
GLB, they are growing at a rate that is stunning. The big ones are as big as banty hens already, and they are just 3 weeks old! And you know what things do to grow - eat, then poop. They are very, very good at that, as Little Bit is figuring out!
I loved your story today and so needed the laugh it gave me!!!
I can't wait to see if you ever get one to model a diaper!!!!
Love and God bless,
I thought "that one there looks like a squid!" and then read that you like to call it that, too. Heehee!
Just too stinkin' ~ pun for Little Bit?? ~ cute and funny!
I needed that laugh tonight! I love reading about your adventures on your farm. Thanks for sharing!
sharon in alabama :)
I'm glad y'all got some smiles and laughter from this - we could all use more of both, don't you think?
Gill in Canada
Have a great week,