Hm. What does that MEAN?

Betty Crocker, what are you doing?

Hamburger Helper is a box of noodles and seasonings, and I add some Hamburger.

Tuna Helper is noodle (I think there is even a rice one) and I add some Tuna.

This new product of yours, Asian Helper....that one has me a little concerned.

Just sayin'.


Toni said…
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Just add Asian! Easy peasy!
Anonymous said…
Hey Cat, That's funny!!

Where did they get that name? so do we add one pound of browned Asian or one can of flaked Asian?

We should email customer service and ask?

Take care,
Laura said…
For the life of me, I can't understand why they went astray from Hamburger/Tuna/Chicken Helper mode. It's so weird!

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