Teach a Girl to Fish, and She'll want a bucket, with a whale in it.

We got Daddy a Fishing License for Father's Day. Since we hadn't gathered all the equipment, done an inventory, etc...we didn't get to go fishing until this past weekend.

Saturday, when we were checking rods and reels and such, it became apparent that Little Bit isn't quite ready for something with a hook on the end. I've been hooked before (a long time ago) and it is not pleasant. So, we made her a 'starter pole'. It's on the frugal side, hee hee. We took a branch from an elm tree, added some neon yellow nylon line (her request), a weight and a bobber.

She loves it! While we were getting things gathered to actually go fishing, she could not wait. Daddy is smart, and got her some water so she could fish.

Casting - which explains why I don't want a hook on her rod just yet!

Proper form for bucket fishing: feet slightly apart, both hands on the rod, and watch that bobber!

Her goal is to catch a whale. She has a storybook about a fishing cat that wants to catch a whale. First, he catches a log, but rather than throw it back, he carves it into a boat. The story ends with the line, '...so, Look out, all you whales!' She loves to say that...especially right now.

We did go to fish...at a small lake in a park. The wind kicked up just as we started, and it bothered her the whole time. After about 15-20 minutes, we packed up our stuff and put it away (at which time the wind died completely, go figure). There was also a playground at the park, so we still had a lovely time. Not even one bite, but it was still fun, even though we didn't catch a whale.

Yet. (wink!)


Unknown said…
Little bit is so adorable! You have such fun together!
stacey said…
omg cat i love this story, thanks for sharing, it perked up my day. i want to go fish in a bucket too she looks like she's having so much fun.
Laura said…
We do have a lot of fun, I have to agree with that!

Stacey, somewhere in her stuff she has a little bathtub whale (like a little rubber duckie). I'm going to try to find it and put it in her bucket next time! :)
Anonymous said…
I love to read your blog. Just the way you post about your day with your daughter and all the fun things you do together. Cheryl
frau424 said…
great story, and as i was reading it for the second time i noticed your husbands foot in the one picture, slippers and socks... hahaha, such a hawaian thing, it made me laugh
Laura said…
Thank you, Cheryl, you are so kind! (And I am so lucky!)

D, somewhere I think we even have some of those socks where the one toe is separate. They're made especially for wearing with slippers! (And I'm tickled that you called them slippers instead of flip flops - have you spent some time in HI?)
frau424 said…
my ex is from hawaii, and on time in between assignments, while he was at drill sgt school i spent a few month in honolulu

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